Wednesday, March 9, 2011

World Traveler

I am a little bummed...I can't figure out how to put up pictures on this thing! I will sort it out! It's hard to believe I have been here for almost 2 months. I am pleased to report that we have gotten rid of the ants...well for the most part. Just when you think they are gone you discover that the slightest opportunity for them to appear they will. I woke up last weekend and had not sealed one of my containers all the way only to find our little friends dropping by again! I often wonder why God made them haha!  I saw a blue tongue lizard the other day. I have to say it freaked me out a little because it looked like a snake with legs...and I don't do well with snakes:) So of course once the little kid clued into that he chased me around with it...yeah so not cool!

I got a really cool job here that allows me to teach cheerleading camps in various places. I flew to Perth (west coast) last weekend and worked with a school. It was so much fun.  The West Coast has a lot of desert and a lot less people. I wish I would have had a bit more time to go see some of the rock formations or the beaches, but it was cool to just be there.  However, I did have dinner on the water and watched the sun set over the Indian Ocean with my feet in the water. It was my first time in the Indian Ocean and let me tell you it was so beautiful. I think the only ocean left for me to visit is that really cold one...Artcic Ocean?? Not sure I will venture up that way to do it haha! I do have some big plans though to visit some other places here and a few other countries while I am halfway around the world...we will see!

I often think about everyone at home and I miss you. I truly feel like I am flourishing here. It's hard to explain all that is taking place inside of me but I am well-so well. Some days I forget I live in is just so amazing.